QUI for MPlayer Title

Screenshot Archive

This is the archive of screenshots from past versions of QUI. I realized that the regular page was probably taking forever to load, especially on dialup, so I split most of the images off to this page so that you don't have to wait for so many old images to load. This page will probably take quite a while though, so browse at your own risk;-)

Version 1.4


Amazing, finally a 1.4 screenshot. Note that the Options button has been moved from its location in the 1.3b versions. I have noticed that the About screen isn't quite centered anymore (when did that happen?), so I will be fixing that for the next release.

Version 1.3b


Screenshot showing the three different tabs of the options dialog. It should make QUI a lot more user-friendly now that you don't have to edit defaults.conf by hand. This is my first screenshot from my newly built computer, so I still have some work to do getting everything looking right. It's a little goofy-looking right now but hopefully I'll get around to making it better. Edit later: Actually, that is one butt-ugly background. What was I thinking?:-)

Version 1.21


Ha! I managed to get two hot women in this one:-) Anyway, this is QUI playing the Buffy season 1 DVD, and as you can see even though it is a 9800 kbps DVD, the time is wrong. Of course the major thing to notice is that the buttons now have images on them. Note: this image is 1280x1024 courtesy of the new monitor I got, which is why some things look a little funny. The monitor is only temporarily connected to my laptop because my new computer parts aren't here yet:-( It'll look better then:-)

Version 1.2rc1 and 1.2


Pretty much what 1.2 is going to look like. In fact exactly what 1.2 looks like as it turns out.

Version 1.16b Fullscreen


Showing off the fact that the images on the buttons actually match the color of the rest of the window. And of course, another Milla wallpaper:-)

Version 1.15b Fullscreen


Screenshot from fluxbox (my new WM) with the beautiful Milla Jovovich gracing the desktop. Note the fact that the playlist window lines up with the main window again.

Version 1.14b Fullscreen


Nothing new with the look except the playlist location. As you can see, it doesn't line up quite right, and yes, I do occasionally listen to country. So shoot me:-)

Version 1.13b





A screenshot to demonstrate the ability to change the colors of QUI. Obviously a contrived example and a little out of date with the release of 1.13b.

Version 1.12b



Versions .98b, .981b, .99b, 1.0rc1, 1.0, 1.1b, 1.11b




Just to show off my desktop, QUI is not playing anything yet.


QUI playing the House on Haunted Hill DVD. This is an example of the incorrect time being displayed for a DVD, and as you can see it is the time reported by MPlayer.


Pirates of the Caribbean. Good movie, also the correct format so that QUI estimates the time to within about 5 seconds.


Same movie, different scene. What can I say, I liked it a lot. Do notice the See, Hear, Speak background (partially obscured unfortunately), which I think is really cool with the gradient background.

Version .97b


Versions .93b, .94b, .95b, .96b


Version .92b


Version .91b


Versions .8b and .9b



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Last modified: Saturday, 14-Apr-2007 18:34:07 UTC